Jas Wonder NPK (Shri Ram Solvents)

200 incl. GST

Jas Wonder is a homogenous mixture of biological nitrogen fixer (Azotobacter chrococcum), phosphate solubilizer (Pseudomonas striata) and potash mobilizer (Fracturia aurentia).



Jas Wonder is a homogenous mixture of biological nitrogen fixer (Azotobacter chrococcum), phosphate solubilizer (Pseudomonas striata) and potash mobilizer (Fracturia aurentia). It produces secondary metabolites viz; amino acids, vitamins ,  and growth – promoting substances like auxin, gibberellic acid, and cytokinin which help in better growth and development of plant. It fixes 25-35 kg of nitrogen/Acre in a season and leaves behind a substantial quantity of N in the soil for succeeding crops. It increases the rate of seed germination, root proliferation through various hormones, number of the shoot and its growth.


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